Welcome to the Broken & Beautiful Grace Day of Prayer.

Our lives are made up of experiences of beauty and brokenness, and everything in between. God meets us where we are, walking with us, blessing us with obvious and disguised gifts. By reflecting on our experiences of beauty and those of brokenness, we can recognize the footprints of God’s presence and action in our lives. By aligning ourselves with the movement of the Holy Spirit, we can live more meaningful and fulfilled lives.

The morning portion of our Day of Prayer will offer opportunities for prayer and reflection on the above. Since you cannot be present in person, please take time to pray with the audio and questions below. We recommend sitting in a quiet place and having a journal and pen available as you listen to each prayer recording. At the end of each recording, we invite you to journal using the questions that follow. Allow yourself 40 minutes in total for the preparation. In doing so, you will be on a similar journey with everyone else attending the Day of Prayer.

For 2-3 experiences of beauty, I answer the following:
1. What did I see, smell, hear, touch, and taste?
2. What thoughts, feelings, or images come up within me when I remember these experiences?
3. How were these experiences important & meaningful to me?
4. Looking back, do I sense God in these experiences?
a. If so, in what ways?
b. If not, how would I have liked God to be present?

For 1-2 experiences of brokenness, I answer the following:
1. What did I see, smell, hear, touch, and taste?
2. What thoughts, feelings, or images come up within me when I remember these experiences?
3. How were these experiences important & meaningful to me?
4. Looking back, do I sense God in these experiences?
a. If so, in what ways?
b. If not, how would I have liked God to be present?

Thank you for taking the time to pray and prepare spiritually so that you can join us more seamlessly upon your arrival. Please bring your journal, especially what you circled in these prayer exercises with you to the event. We look forward to welcoming you soon.