TOPIC: Forgiveness


Once in the next month

  1. Model forgiveness as a family:

    • You can put the following phrases on a message board or incorporate them into family prayer throughout the month.

      I will remember what Jesus did for me.

      I will forgive others.

      I will forgive myself.

      I will choose the action, trusting that my heart will follow.

    • Towards the end of the month, each person shares about their growth in terms of forgiveness of self and others.

  2. Practice gentleness with yourself & imagine Jesus’ acceptance of yourself through an Examen. (coming soon)

Optional Podcast by Harriet Lerner and Brené Brown:
I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 1
I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 2


TOPIC: Cultivating Empathy


  1. Practice genuine listening with your partner for 10 minutes as EACH of you take turns being the speaker and listener.

    As the speaker, share something that has been causing you stress or worry in your life that is outside the relationship.

    After each conversation, give honest, concrete & brief feedback for 2 minutes, using the following format:

    The listener reflects first, answering: How was I empathetic? Which skill(s) could I be more attentive to?

    Then the speaker reflects: What was helpful about the listener’s presence, behavior, or questions? What could have been more helpful?

  2. Feel free to review the Empathy & Sympathy Chart if you find that helpful.


TOPIC: Kindness


Each week, choose any or all of these 4 practical ways to focus on kindness:

  1. Respond to partner’s “bids”

  2. Assume good intentions

  3. React kindly, especially when angry

  4. Share our partner’s joy

At the end of each week, reflect and share with your spouse:

  1. How you felt receiving their kindness

  2. How it was to exercise kindness


TOPIC: Genuine Listening


  1. Once a week, practice genuine listening with your partner for 10 minutes as EACH of you take turns being the speaker and listener.

  2. As the speaker, share something that has been causing you stress or worry in your life that is outside the relationship.

  3. After each conversation, give honest, concrete & brief feedback for 2 minutes, using the following format:

    • The listener reflects first, answering: How was I curious? How was I empathetic? Which skill(s) could I be more attentive to?

    • Then the speaker reflects: Did I feel that I was being understood? What was helpful about the listener’s presence, behavior, or questions? What could have been more helpful?

Top Ten Genuine Listening Do’s & Don’t


TOPIC: Genuine Needs


  1. At least 1x/week, schedule in a PREPS praxis.






  2. To help you express your needs, download the Gottman Card Decks App and go through the Expressing Needs deck.


TOPIC: Being Present & Attentive to Bids


  1. Practice the “Being Present to Our Breath Exercise” below (2x/week).

  2. Each week, converse with your partner for 10-15 minutes to recognize bids (subtle or not) using the following guidelines:

    • Seek to understand your partner. Try to minimize complaining or judging.

    • Use I statements to report as well as take responsibility for your feelings. Refrain from saying, “You did not …” or “You made me feel …” Rather say, “The other day, I was trying to make this bid … I felt …. when you missed the signal or responded in this way …”.

    • Share the genuine need(s) that prompted your bid(s).

    • Discuss constructively how each of you can be more present or attentive to the other’s bids.


TOPIC: Gratitude & Gift

Wholehearted gratitude begins with remembering, deepens with receiving, and overflows into responding.


  1. Make a family GRATITUDE JAR. Feel free to decorate it with words, stickers, and/or images if you would like. During the month, place notes of gratitude in the jar 3-4 times a week (gratitude prompts available) .

  2. During Thanksgiving weekend, read the gratitude jar notes aloud together as a family to remember your blessings and give thanks to God.

  3. Pray the Couples Awareness Examen together a few times a week (You can also use the optional Awareness Examen recording).

Couples Awareness Examen: Click THIS LINK to download the Couples Awareness Examen to continue your journey together.

Optional Personal Awareness Examen: Click the below guided Awareness Examen to continue your journey of gratitude through prayer.