Your donation changes lives, transforms communities, and creates a home for everyone in the Church. Your recurring gift helps lay a strong foundation for a church that draws young adults home while helping Christus Ministries expand our outreach at a sustainable rate.
Pope Francis calls each of us to build the Church of Mercy. You can be a Missionary of Mercy in the following ways:
$250 Help a retreatant discover God anew ($20.83/month)
$500 Host a Java-Jazz-and-Jesus event to bring young adults in the door of a parish
$1,000 Form 12 leaders in young adult ministry for one year
$13,000 Give a family a roof over their heads and hope for the future. Sponsor an entire home through Casa Building (just $25/square foot)
Monthly Donation
One Time Donation
P.O. Box 4525
Culver City, CA 90231
Click here for more help.
Contact Jen Coito if you have any questions or want to discuss how your gift can help.
Note: Christus Ministries is a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. You will receive a tax receipt recognizing your contribution to our ministry.