Can rest be one of the most productive activities we engage in? Join us as we journey together into the heart of the Paschal Triduum through a morning of prayer and reflection on inner rest as God’s creative work.


  1. An online gathering via Zoom with a short presentation, guided prayer & small group sharing.

  2. The Zoom link will be emailed to you the night prior.

9:00 am Welcome & Introductions
9:05 am A Prayer of Inner Rest
9:20 am Personal Prayer
9:45 am Small Group Sharing
9:55 am Closing

If you and someone else in your household are attending, please choose one of the two options below.

Submit two different registration forms using the button below separately.
Log in Saturday using two different devices.
You will be in two different small groups.

Option #2: TOGETHER
Submit one registration form using the button below.
Enter both names under the First Name section.
Log in Saturday using the same device.
You will be in the same small group.

Prayer Space:

  1. Set up a quiet prayer space (journal, pen, candle, & prayer item).

  2. Disengage, as best as you can, from phones, food, or anything else that distracts you from being present. *

  3. During our gathering, please MUTE yourself unless it is your turn to share. *

    * For those with young families who may be concerned about meeting these requirements, we welcome you & understand your circumstances. 

Contact: Please contact ThiThoa ( for questions or if there is any other way our team can help you and your family.

Permission: For PR purposes, Christus Ministries may record virtual events. By participating in this event, you give permission to be contacted, appear on camera & consent to the use of your image & voice, in any part, to be used by Christus Ministries.