• Holy Family Church (Connolly Hall) (map)
  • 1519 Fremont Avenue
  • South Pasadena, CA, 91030
  • United States

How can we differentiate what is genuine and lasting from what is fake and fleeting? How can we live as our authentic selves in a marketplace of idealizations, projections, and unrealistic expectations? How can we cultivate depth amidst superficialities, busy living, and passing trends?

Join other young adults and those young at heart for an evening of warm ambiance, relaxing music and honest conversations about being our real and authentic selves.

Fr. Tri Dinh, SJ will speak to stimulate conversation on the theme, "How can I be real in a world that seems fake?"

7:00 pm - Greet & mingle with live, jazzy music in an open coffee-house atmosphere
7:45 pm - Topic presentation
8:30 pm - Conversations in small groups
9:00 pm - Q & A
9:45 pm - Closing Prayer

Sponsored in partnership with Trinity Young Adult Ministry of Holy Family Church in South Pasadena.

Please contact Marisa Moonilal (yam@holyfamily.org or 626.403.6149) if you have any questions.