• The Jesuit Novitiate of the Three Companions (map)
  • 10775 Deshire Place
  • Culver City, CA 90230
  • United States

To close out the weekend of celebration, join the Christus Ministries community for a Sunday Mass.

Where: Jesuit Novitiate of the Three Companions

When: 10:00 am

Parking: We highly encourage carpools.
Find limited parking in the Jesuit Novitiate lot on the right as you drive down Deshire Place. Please do not park by the right-side hedges. Overflow parking available in the Ralphs shopping center behind the Novitiate. To park there, exit the cul-de-sac, turn left onto Overland, and left at the next light into the shopping center. Please plan to arrive no later than 9:45 am to account for limited parking and seats in the chapel.

Questions: Please contact Truc-Lys (tnguyen@christusministries.org) if you have any questions.