Please click here to read the preparation materials before we begin our retreat on February 23, 2021.
Click on the guided recordings below to pray the prayer exercise for that day.
After each exercise, let 1-2 questions below prompt your reflection and journaling in your Listening Book:
What were the most important things in my prayer?
What were my stronger feelings? What detail gave rise to them?
Has my relationship with the Lord grown? How? Why?
Have I received the grace I asked for? Other insights? Delights?
Have I felt spiritual consolation (drawn towards God) or desolation (drawn away from God) since my prayer time?
Is there an action I wish to take?
WEEK 1: The Mystery of Love (SCHEDULE)
2/28 (SUNDAY - OPTIONAL): FSE Book (Sun. pg. 98). You may also choose to attend Mass as your Sunday prayer or Review your Listening Book to savor the graces of the week. Revisit a moment of prayer during the week that really helped you. Ask God, “Is there anything else you want to show me?
3/1 (MONDAY): Day off
3/7 (SUNDAY - OPTIONAL): FSE Book (Sun. pg. 112). You may also choose to attend Mass as your Sunday prayer or Review your Listening Book to savor the graces of the week. Revisit a moment of prayer during the week that really helped you. Ask God, “Is there anything else you want to show me?
3/8 (MONDAY): Day off
3/14 (SUNDAY - OPTIONAL): FSE Book (Sun. pg. 130). You may also choose to attend Mass as your Sunday prayer or Review your Listening Book to savor the graces of the week. Revisit a moment of prayer during the week that really helped you. Ask God, “Is there anything else you want to show me?
3/15 (MONDAY): Day Off
Program for Life (pp. 146-147) - CLICK HERE. Pay especially attention to the section on “Spiritual Direction” on page 147. Don’t worry about coming up with an entire “program for life”. Identifying 1-2 concrete actions or habits to continue growing in friendship with God/Jesus is a good aim.
3/22 (MONDAY): Day off