Relating to the Spirit


WK 1: Using the guided meditation below, pray 2x over Martha and Mary & practice Ignatian noting afterward, guided by the questions that follow:

  1. How did you find yourself to be more like Mary or like Martha, and how so?

  2. What surprised or remained with you from your heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus?

WK 2: Using the guided reflection below, pray 2x over the experience of your day to recognize which model of spirituality predominantly shapes your thinking and relating.

  1. Do you adequately acknowledge the Spirit’s role in the good actions and thoughts you performed today, or do you attribute them mainly to your own initiative and hard work? 

  2. Do you see the desire in you to serve (help, lead, organize, plan, etc.) as coming from the Spirit? Do you recognize that the strength and insight to carry out the good desire well are also infused by the Spirit?

WK 3: Read an excerpt from Ch. 2 of David Steindl-Rast’s The Way of Silence and answer the refection questions at the end of this webpage.

WK 4: Revisit any insight or experience from the past three weeks that you feel drawn to stay with longer. Ask God, “How did I trust or not trust your Spirit at work through myself? Practice Ignatian noting.