Kerygma & First Encounter


A. Reading & Noting

  1. Read pages 1-24 in Henri Nouwen’s In the Name of Jesus. Note what consoles, challenges, or puzzles you while reading and journal as needed.

  2. Re-read page 2 of the Learning Community Gathering #1 handout.

B. Practicing & Noting

  1. Guided by the Spirit, choose one person to accompany in the next month. Use the suggestions on p. 3 (or use the mp3 below) to pray for the person 1-2 times/week. Reflect on the following questions each time:

    • Was there anything surprising that came up during the prayer?

    • Was this prayer helpful to you in praying for the person? How so?

    • Is there any point to which you are invited to return and listen deeper?

  2. Journal before the next gathering using these prompts:

  • What did I learn about God, myself, and/or others in my praxis?

  • As I practice spiritual accompaniment and intentionally meet people, do I find myself trusting God (following the Spirit) or relying on myself (making things happen) more? How so?