Active Listening


A. Reading & Noting

  1. Re-read Henri Nouwen’s In the Name of Jesus pages 51-70 (Chapter 2: “From Popularity to Ministry”). Note any insight or image that continues to draw or inspire you.

  2. Journal about your response to the following questions:

      1. “It is Jesus who heals, not I; Jesus who speaks words of truth, not I; Jesus who is Lord, not I.” According to Nouwen, how is a Jesus-centered view of leadership different from the leadership focused on our own name, strength, or expertise?

      2. What am I learning or unlearning about the way I approach service in the light of the way Jesus serves?

  3. See the Learning Community Gathering #4 handout.

B. Practicing & Noting

  1. Following the guidelines on page 6 of handout #4 above, practice active listening with your accountability partner.

  2. Practice active listening to 2 people before the next meeting. Reflect on the following questions afterwards:

    • Which active listening skill(s) could I better cultivate?

    • How did God and I “do it together,” or not?

  3. Journal before the next gathering using these prompts:

  • What did I learn about God, myself, and/or others in my praxis?

  • As I accompany others, do I find myself trusting God (following the Spirit) or relying on myself (making things happen) more? How so?