The Old Testament is an account of the faith journey of Israel.

“The Jews reflected on their history, a very messy and shameful history, with its brief moment of glory under King David, its long years of infidelity to God, of defeat, humiliation, and captivity. They began to see their history in a new way, as a history of salvation in and through disaster and tribulation. Salvation history still continues in you and me. The Spirit who lived in Jesus and raised him from the dead now lives in us and is at work in the events of our lives.” - Gerald Hughes, SJ

Getting in touch with our own faith history reveals how we are part of God’s ongoing, saving love. Moreover, we can better recognize and respond to the Spirit presently at work in our lives.


While a longer account may seem more comprehensive, a 10-minute story-telling is more helpful and evocative, Spirit-wise. Let any combination of the following questions prompt your reflection:

  1. Which 2-3 key experiences significantly shaped my life of faith?

  2. Who has been especially influential with my faith and how?

  3. How do I see or relate to God or Jesus? How has it changed over the years?

  4. How do I pray? What are my favorite Scriptures passages and/or prayers?

  5. Is there an image that describes my faith journey? (e.g. a road, hike, river, etc.)

  6. If I could speak directly to God at this time, what would I say?

Choose several stories and prepare an outline of your sharing to help listeners get a good sense of your faith journey. Feel free to share helpful photos or images.