In our busy lives, how can we receive & respond to God’s invitation to love & to serve like Jesus?
The School of Servant Leadership is a process of developing joyful missionary disciples through ongoing spiritual, leadership, and communal formation. It aims to help participants grow in their sense of God’s invitations to serve and love others, as well as understand and authentically live the spirit of Servant Leadership in practical ways.
We hope that the School of Servant Leadership will help participants live out Jesus’ call to love as he loves and to serve as he serves, by embodying the following key three habits of (1) spiritual accompaniment of others (2) individual & communal discernment (3) discovering & living out one’s personal vocation.
Why be a part of the School of Servant Leadership?
Practice more than preaching: This is a school of living, more than a school of thinking. Each month includes praxis, which contains both reflection and practice of habits crucial to servant leaders. By practicing more than preaching, we will be better known as disciples of Jesus (Jn 13:35).
Become joyful missionary disciples: The more we receive the love which gives purpose and meaning to our lives, the more joyfully we can share this liberating love with others. Learning to give and receive as we serve like Jesus grounds our joy and transforms us as we invite others to grow with us in missionary discipleship.
Grow in fruitful ministry: Intentionally learning together through mutual accountability, encouragement, and support strengthens everyone and better builds up the Body of Christ. Helping one another remain on the vine of Christ bears greater fruit and elicits greater joy in our lives and the lives of those whom we serve (Jn 15:9-11).