The Young Family School of the Heart is a process of cultivating domestic churches through learning communities. These learning communities are small groups of couples who strive to intentionally grow as disciples of Christ, practice core family virtues, and create communal space to be real with one another.
Every month participants will learn and practice actionable insights and principles in the following intertwining faith dimensions:
Relationship with God
Relationship with partner
Relationship with kids
Relationship with the Church
How: Each learning community will:
meet and share during monthly 90-minute virtual meetings for 9 months
reflect on and practice relational skill sets (1 hr/wk)
mutually support fellow members in fostering a way of life that integrates prayer, honest communication, and good parenting
attend Mass or serve together periodically
Who: Any couple desiring to learn how to integrate faith and family life. We recommend couples participating together, but welcome single parents. We ask for all participants to be committed in attending almost every meeting.
Interest: Feel free to complete the interest form below if you would like to be contacted at a later time when registration opens.
Contact: Feel free to contact Fr. David at with any questions.