Choosing Hope 

“Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God."  - Jn 1: 34

As a person who likes to be informed of current events, it is way too easy for me to talk about the bad stuff happening in the world. Sometimes only negative events are reported and it is hard not to be preoccupied with it all. One of the recent challenges of my Spiritual Director is to see the world as God sees the world. 

I look to John the Baptist as a role model of seeing how God sees. Sure, in moments, he was the intense voice of challenge asking people to change their sinful ways (which can feel off putting to think about), but he was also the joyful voice of hope reminding faithful people that someone greater than he was coming. In today’s gospel, we learn of John’s deep conviction that compelled his prophetic ministry and how the prophecy was fulfilled the moment when he saw Jesus approaching him. I can’t help but imagine the energy of that encounter. That meeting of two faith-filled people who were able to recognize each other and, perhaps, see into each other’s souls. I like to think this was the fruit of their own mothers’ meeting years before. Two souls, destined to meet, knowing it at that exact moment. Amazing! 

We learn that after John baptizes Jesus, he proclaims to everyone what he did and witnessed, and how Jesus is the Son of God. It’s like he can’t not talk about it! I imagine the joy and the love that were all dancing inside of him and that had to burst through him in a loud way. John, here, is teaching me what it means when they say we are a Christmas people - to allow authentic encounters with God to be the narrative that shapes our words and actions, and to let it be the lens through which we see the world. His bearing witness encourages the sharing of my story which hopefully can encourage others to do the same. I may not know what the future holds but I can choose to hope. I never really saw it as a choice and I am learning that sometimes who you want to become takes practice. John invites me to hold onto and proclaim hope in a fierce way - not blind to the realities of the world but inspired to do my part in my corner of the world to build the Reign of God.  

How has God encountered you recently? In what ways can you choose and proclaim hope?

Ana Lopez 
