The Gift of Family

“Put on…heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience bearing with one another and forgiving one another…” – Col 3:12-13

The gift of family is recognized today. The Gospel focuses on Joseph, a courageous father protecting his young family from the wrath of King Herod. The other readings offer wisdom about family life calling us to care for elderly parents, acting with compassion, forgiveness and gentleness with each other.

Reflecting on this I think of my own family of five children, precious beyond words to me. When they were growing up there was always a whirlwind of activity. It was wonderful and difficult, sometimes all in the same day. There were some dark times, as with any family, but with the grace of God we worked things through and the light returned. It took and continues to take patience, prayer and trust that God’s great mercy is with us.

Memories flood my mind: my brother’s death due to AIDS, the baptisms, confirmations, graduations, and weddings along with the funerals that filled our lives and brought us together with so many people. I know God was with us listening to every plea and every prayer of gratitude.

The fact that my family of origin, so treasured growing up, is fractured also comes to mind. The abuse scandal, while not the cause of the fracture, played a role. My choice to support the truth came with a price. There is polite conversation but the ties that were deep in our formative years are broken.

Moreover, the second anniversary of my father’s death is in two days. He lived to one hundred years, vital and engaged, and was the patriarch of a large family. He died from Covid during the period before vaccinations were available. Due to the fear of Covid, a priest was not available. After a moment of hesitation, I anointed him just before he died. It remains for me a moment of deep gratitude.

Through all of this, my prayers for my entire family continue with the knowledge that I am called to love above all else.

Lord, give me the wisdom to slow down and enjoy this glorious gift of family. Give me an open heart to embrace when embracing feels difficult. Give me the wisdom to know when to approach and when to sit back quietly trusting in your mercy.

Anne Hansen
