Faithfulness & Fidelity 

“Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt.” Matthew 2:14 

In today’s Gospel passage, we read about St. Joseph swiftly bringing Mary and Jesus to safety after King Herod ordered all male infants under two to be massacred.  

I can’t imagine what was racing through St. Joseph’s head and heart knowing that his family was in danger. But, he still put his complete and total trust in God. St. Joseph put his wife’s and child’s safety first, and we are reminded about his faithfulness and fidelity to God and to his family. He is the patron of fathers and fatherhood, and I have had a special devotion to him since I was baptized into the Church as a teenager. 

I was adopted and raised by a single mom. Although she did an incredible job supporting and nurturing me, I craved a dad more than anything. I wanted a dad to cheer me on from the sidelines when I played soccer. As a teenager, I wanted a dad to affirm my beauty and worth as I got ready for school dances. I’ve always wanted a dad to walk me down the aisle on the day of my wedding. I felt empty growing up without one. There was a huge hole in my heart. 

When I attended Catholic high school, I learned about the Holy Family and drew close to St. Joseph. Sacred Tradition and Scripture teach us that St. Joseph was a righteous man. He was kind and humble. He was gentle and generous. He was protective and patient. He served God and others before and above himself. He is a strong and selfless leader and a loving father-figure.  

When I feel overwhelmed by my wounds, fears, doubts, and insecurities, I close my eyes and rest in prayer. I picture St. Joseph leading me to refuge with Mary and Jesus by my side, just as it was 2,000 years ago. Our proximity to the Holy Family is holy ground. And they want to help bring us to safety in God.  

May we stay close to the Holy Family and journey with them. May we all learn to lead and love like St. Joseph. And may we all fully surrender ourselves to God, His will, and His ways. 

Jess Meeth 
