An Invitation to Dance with Christ

Jesus said to the crowds: 
“To what shall I compare this generation?  
It is like children who sit in marketplaces and call to one another, 
We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, 
we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.’  - Matthew 11:16-17 

Lights on houses shine brightly passing by and Mariah Carey croons on the radio as I drive from place to place with nary a second to even breathe, let alone take in these holiday sights. Advent is a time of waiting, of taking in the transition into the new liturgical year as we await the coming of Baby Jesus into our homes and hearts. Yet I find myself busier than ever trying to fulfill holiday obligations, get stuff done at home and at work, and meet up with the people on my list before the year ends. Ironically, even as I write this now, I cannot help but think about what I need to get for different loved ones from Amazon before it is too late. 

While being caught up in all of this excitement and “obligation” is a blessing in itself (these are relatively fun activities and seeing old friends brings warmth to my heart), I forget to slow down. Signs of Christ’s coming surround me, from the beautiful Advent wreath at mass to the “Merry Christmas Y’all” sign on my TV stand I bought as a joke, yet I am too busy to embrace it. This atmosphere, this joyous feeling, Jesus has been playing the flute for me all along, but I haven’t danced. It feels like I am getting so caught up in the little things and letting those lead me. I stopped chasing the one star leading me to the humble manger carrying Christ.  

This generation gets caught up in trying to do many things at once. Everything is at our fingertips: information, games, maps, the ability to reach anyone anytime, the list goes on. Now, I should open that calendar app and schedule time to slow down and breathe with God. Rather than letting Advent be the backdrop for my busy activities, I want to let this season of reflection and waiting be the center of my focus, and if anything, allow the busy activities to support this feeling of love, blessing, and grace from Christ. I want to have all my actions bring those feelings from God to those around me. Even if it is something small like five or fifteen minutes with God in the morning to orient myself towards Him, I want to make that time to prepare myself for Christ. And then maybe this time and the next, I can let myself hum a little louder the tune of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” as I make my commute and smile a little brighter in my next conversations as I invite Jesus to join me on this journey to Christmas. 

Have I taken time out of my busy holiday preparations to make time for God lately? How have I invited Christ into my daily life to journey with me this Advent season? 

Dear God, I invite You this day and every day to be with me with every step, from morning to night. Enrich my actions and conversations to glorify You and share Your love with all those I encounter and dance with You in all of my preparations for Christmas and beyond. 

Kevin Nguyen 

Photo credit: Getty Images/Jose Luis Pelaez Inc
