"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.” – Lk. 1:46-56

Advent is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the feeling of preparation and joyful anticipation that is in the air.  During this busy season, we are called to make time to sit with our Lord who loved us enough to become a man. 

Today’s gospel is the Canticle of Mary.  It is Mary’s response to Elizabeth’s greeting, “Blessed are you who believed!”  Mary is proclaiming her faith and love for God.  It is during her months with Elizabeth that she makes the time to spiritually ready herself to become Christ’s mother and most obedient disciple.  

The Canticle of Mary reminds me of the need to surrender to God’s plans and just let myself be.  It is a reminder to detach myself from my ideas of what I want for my life and to trust in God’s promises. This past winter, I was pushing back on God’s plan for me.  I didn’t want to wait around to find out where my journey would lead.

The birth of a miracle baby on Easter Sunday let me understand the beauty of waiting. My friend’s face was tired but overcome with joy. I was filled with wonder and awe as I approached the baby in my dear friend’s arms.  It was a quiet and peaceful moment filled with humility. She was the first of her three siblings that came into this world with life. She was God’s promise fulfilled.

I left the hospital filled with amazement and gratitude for God’s immense love. On my way home from the hospital, I was overcome by love.  I experienced a great desire to let go of my fears and let myself surrender to God.

Let us learn from Mary on how to be bolder in following the word of God. Have you ever struggled to let go and trust in God’s plan for you?  Blessed Mother, may you guide us to advance in the spiritual pilgrimage that is faith.

Jeanalee Obergfell
