Worth the Work

‘Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.’ 
The son said in reply, ‘I will not,’
but afterwards he changed his mind and went. - Mt 21:28-29

Every time I open up a social media or news app, I find myself drained by the increasing polarization that has developed. Whether it pertains to politics, justice movements, social issues, or the like, opinions abound with barely any room for discourse between them. In the midst of the happy posts and life updates shared, cancel culture and mob mentalities have taken on a life of their own, and clickbait lines escalate emotions even further. 

I have found myself in the midst of these emotional whirlwinds in both professional and personal settings over the past several years, including a painful split within a church community I held dear. It led me to profoundly and painfully question whose interests everyone was really following. We see this everywhere in different institutions, organizations, and industries - scandals and controversies that discourage and divide to no end. 

There is a strong temptation to feel othered in this way. Yet today’s Gospel with the man’s son who “changed his mind and went” after initially saying no, offers an interesting view. There is an invitation from the father to do the work. The father is not discriminating about who he asks to get it done, he is simply asking. Jesus is inviting everyone. The work is getting done, and in unexpected places - through tax collectors and prostitutes. 

It is reminder to me that there is very likely a chief priest or elder as well as a tax collector and prostitute in myself and in others with whom I have struggled. Some days, I will say that I will go do the work, and do not; other days I will do the exact opposite. Instead of feeling victimized by situations beyond my control, perhaps I can see how human we all are in trying to make it through the constant challenges of our daily lives. 

Which son do I relate to more today? Where might I be invited to further participate in the work during this season?

Quyen Ngo
