In today’s gospel, we hear the famous words of John the Baptist, talking about Jesus Christ. He says, “I baptize with water; but there is one among you whom you do not recognize, the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.” 

Having heard this scripture hundreds of time, I was surprised upon reading the phrase, “…but there is one among you whom you do not recognize.” that it caught me off guard. I had only thought of it in terms of Jesus Christ, but this time I thought of the people who I interact with regularly. Who do I interact with regularly but fail to “recognize”?   

Scripture tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within and that we are temples of the Holy Spirit and that God dwells within us. But do I see the God in others? Do I recognize those with whom I interact on a regular basis as having the indwelling of the Spirit? It can be difficult, especially when that other person is difficult or thwarts me. 

I remember a person who shared a room in a skilled nursing facility with someone I visited on a regular basis. This person could be difficult, foul-mouthed, unkind and exhausting. But the more time I spent with her (initially unwillingly, but necessitated by the time spent with my loved one), the more I became aware of her neediness, loneliness, courage, and sense of humor. Once I could see her as a place where God dwells, it became easier to respond to her with patience and kindness and she in turn began to look forward to my visit. Eventually, I would say that we even became friends. Perhaps she began to see the spirit dwelling within me also. Namaste. 

Is there one among you whom you do not recognize? Is there someone who God is inviting to find her dwelling within? Do I let others see God dwelling in me? 

Mary Schimmoller
