“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.”  - Luke 10:23 

The Scientific Method is an incredible empirical tool for acquiring knowledge through careful observation and testing. It unearthed numerous technological and scientific discoveries. Consequently, Many people apply this type of method to all phases of life, including whether or not to live a life of faith. Yet, the eyes of faith challenge us that everything cannot be reduced to observation and scientific testing.

In today’s Gospel, this pericope occurs right after the disciples return from being sent out to preach and perform miracles. They joyously share with Jesus their ability to cast out demons and to heal the sick in his name. Jesus’ response is one of gratitude and gladness to the Father. He not only affirms the disciples’ experience, but he thanks the Father for giving them the gift of faith. They are able to see because they first believed in who Christ is. Faith gives us a sight that we cannot always explain or rationalize the divine. People are always looking and wanting proof for the miraculous. However, the greatest miracle is God’s motivation, which is his love for us.

Think about it, why would a divine being choose to enter into the mess and chaos of humanity? He does so out of love. He does so out of love. It is a love that seeks to accompany the meek and vulnerable. His love does not seek pleasure or power. In the end, this love is redemptive and soul piercing by gazing into the raw human reality of our time. It asks us to see what we so easily ignore, which is the calming, childlike, and beautiful love that seeks to remind us everyday of our dignity and to heal us from our wounds. May we not be blind to the love of God, but may we see how he desires to love us fully. 

How has God manifested his love for you in your life? Think of two or three concrete examples by which he is asking you to see through the eyes of faith and love. 

Alex Llanera, SJ 
