“They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we do not know where they put Him.” – John 20: 2

“Where Baby Jesus go?” my two-year-old daughter inquired one morning during Advent. This year, she has been very engaged in playing with her toy nativity set. She often fills her small backpack with the figurines or brings them with her to various places in the house. This amusing behavior is what led to her questioning the whereabouts of Baby Jesus that particular morning.

Playing with nativity sets was always one of my favorite aspects of the Christmas season, but I recall playing in a much different style in comparison to my daughter. I never removed the figurines from the stable, and I remember arranging each figure in a very precise, symmetrical way.

I’d venture to say that I am not alone in my tendency to search for order and simplicity in life. However, I admit that at times this tendency can make me rigid and irritable when things don’t go as planned. We know from scripture that the child Jesus was not born into a setting of perfection and exactitude. Further, He wasn’t born to simply remain in Bethlehem, and He didn’t die to remain in his tomb. Yet, how often do we make the mistake of trying to contain the Lord in perfect, finite spaces? How often do we avoid any form of discontent and imperfection, perhaps thinking that the Lord cannot be found there? If we try to be like little children this Christmas season, we can learn something very beautiful. Our Lord, the embodiment of perfection, love, and peace, was born into an imperfect situation to come live amongst us. Therefore, let us seek Him every morning and bring Him everywhere with us, especially the broken, imperfect places.

Lord, Pour Your spirit into the areas of my life where I am fixated and rigid. Increase my love for You and let this love spur me to seek You and bring You everywhere!

Patty Hussey
