“When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you and all living beings.” Gen. 9:14-15 

Living in Los Angeles, there are several opportunities to visit the beach. When I do, I find myself mystified by the sound of the waves, the elegance of the water, and the vastness of the view. I am also reminded that something so beautiful like the water has the potential to cause pain and death.   

Today’s readings point out the transforming power of water that went from a tool of God’s destruction of a rebellious people through a flood to an instrument of grace and salvation by baptism. In just nine chapters, the Book of Genesis shows us the waywardness of humanity. We are prone to forget what it means to carry within us the Imago Dei, the image of God. This precious gift is ours alone. When we do not focus on God, we dismiss the dignity of who we are and act out from a place of pain, woundedness, and sin. Yet, Noah’s example of righteousness and virtue highlights the true vocation of the human race. It is based on obedience to God, humility and trust. God’s pact with Noah recognizes the love God has for creation. The bow in the sky will be a sign that God is present, active, and alive.    

Centuries later, Christ’s sacrificial love on the cross becomes the ultimate sign of God’s covenant. His resurrection is the light after the storm. Even when we continue to forget, God provides yet another sign for us hoping that we remember, ponder, and live out of the best of who we were created to be.   

Whether it is the ocean, the rainbow, the crucifix, or another sign, God invites us to remember that we were made to be in a loving relationship with him. This relationship helps us to live in true peace, confidence, and freedom. During this First Sunday of Lent, let us think about the ways God is asking us to be fully present to him, and to also contemplate ways we can remind others to do the same.  

How is God inviting you to be authentic, loving, and faithful this Lent? In what ways is he also asking you to encourage others to do the same? 

Alex Llanera SJ 
