“Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” - Matthew 5:23-24

Giving things up, fasting, almsgiving, attending mass; we take on a lot to prepare ourselves during Lent for Jesus’ resurrection. All of these are wonderful, they bring us closer to God in their own ways. Through them, we find opportunities to be introspective and reflect. However, in today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that as much as He loves our offerings of suffering and obligations, He desires most of all our unchained hearts.

I find my heart chained up in so many different things. Whether it’s stressing about my career with the current economic landscape, responsibilities of adulthood, taking care of my family, or even the growing woot rot in one corner of my patio roof; I feel overwhelmed. I might not have meant to, but my heart is so chained down by earthly fears that, while warranted and valid, I find less space for Jesus when I approach Him in prayer or at the altar at mass. It keeps looming in the back of my mind. One second, I would be praying the Our Father, the next, I would stress about what I need to make for my next dinner gathering or remind myself to follow up with a coworker. I do not dedicate space for Jesus in my mind and heart because they are floating around elsewhere.

These fears will not simply disappear. Even as it is Lent, and as we go into the Easter season, life also moves on and we all have things we need to care for. That being said, I can be kind to myself and ask Jesus to help me in my moments of weakness. I remind myself to ask for the grace to let some of these worries and fears go, even if it is just during the moments I spend with God. Not only that, I entrust these chains to God, asking for the strength to overcome and handle these things little by little. Most importantly, I pray for the space in my heart to focus on Christ as I make time for Him during this Lenten season and in the moments I dedicate to Him. Before I enter into prayer with Christ, I want to leave the worries at the door so I may present my whole heart to God in that time and space dedicated to Him.

Rather than a specific prayer, challenge yourself to take simply 5 minutes or so where you let go of all your worries, fears, insecurities, and distracting thoughts, and simply be with Christ in those moments and offer yourself and your day to Him. Offer up to Him your entire heart as it is, pure and simple, unchained in those moments, and fully there for Him.

Kevin Nguyen 
