“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.” – Ps. 34:19

I feel crushed. I think there is something about March and Lent that by the time we approach the end of both at the same time, we are supposed to feel crushed. Winter has yet to release its stranglehold on New England, wearing me down a little bit every day. We are amidst the doldrums of Lent. Whatever it is that we are sacrificing or practicing during the season is probably wearing on us (it’s wearing on me).

The wait for the coming of Easter can be a long struggle, and it gives us some insight on how the Hebrews felt waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Salvation was long promised, but God had yet to fulfill that promise to the Chosen People. Amidst trials, tribulations, conquests, and exile, the Jews remained faithful to God who promised deliverance. Few people have such a chronicle of struggle as God’s Chosen People. Despite it all, they remained faithful. Their faith was rewarded.

Our faithfulness will be rewarded. We may be in the midst of the darkness of Lent, but even in the deepest darkness, God is still present. Even when we are worn down with nothing left to give, the Psalm promises “rescue is coming.” We may need to spend more time in prayer or taking care of ourselves, but rest assured, God is waiting for us to take refuge in Him.

As we slowly wrap up the season of Lent, it might be a time to assess our struggles. Where do I find myself worn down? Can I find God in my struggles? Has God rescued me today?

Matt Keppel
