Our world has been disrupted over the past few weeks. Less than 90 days ago, many of us were with our loved ones, celebrating, and planning some 2020 new years resolutions.

A global pandemic was not on my list. I felt lost and disoriented. The world I lived in just a few weeks ago has changed. I went from sushi to sardines, steak to spam. I went from spending 12-14 hours a day out and about to being entirely at home, and a few international trips canceled.

Social distancing, layoffs, and furloughs are not what we planned for 2020.

Our reading today reminds me that Jesus faced great suffering that would put his gentleness and patience to the test. Yet he remained calm, taking each moment as it came. Jesus lived with great patience, determination, and generosity to fulfill his mission and restore our friendship with God.

I find myself exercising the Ignatian art of detachment when I feel sad. I'm learning to not be too fixated on particular objectives. Every day is a new beginning, and every day brings new possibilities. Lord, what do you ask of me in the next 24 hours? How can I be a blessing today?

For some people, blessing the world can mean being doctors, nurses, and scientists to fight this battle head-on. To others, being a blessing can perhaps mean allowing ourselves to feel. We may be walking in darkness, but we do not have to walk alone. We can accompany one another on this journey through texts, social media, video calls, or even letters. We can still live life being fully alive in our spirit.

Fr. Tri once shared with me that "change doesn't always bring transformation, but transformation always brings change."

Could the Lord be inviting us to a journey of transformation this Lent? Could the pain, fear, and anxiety we feel now serve as an invitation to build our lives upon what really matters? Perhaps God is introducing a new dream, new priorities, and possibilities into our hearts as we journey in hope?

Lord Jesus, you are close to the brokenhearted. Awaken our hearts once again, Lord, give us Your peace that surpasses understanding. Help us to live out your love with the oil of gladness.

Gabriella Dominic
