I used to doubt...feel a little down... confused. I wondered which way to go. Was it so bad to want a sign, Jesus?

So, I read the Bible. To know Jesus. To gain clarity. 

One sign? Many. 

 My favorite ones? 

“God is for me, not against me.”  

“God works all things together for my good.” 

“You are my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”  

Signs of grace pointing clearly to this loving God.   

So, why not take a chance on trusting this loving God, as to experience true joy? I asked myself.   

At first, not easy. Baby steps. As a worship leader, accepting an invitation to play music. As a friend, to see the opportunity to linger in conversation. As a doctor, to really listen to a patient. If I ever had a sense that God pointed me to something, I would do it. God never disappointed.  

Funny thing. As I progressed to adult steps in this God trust, God trusted me ... to understand my heart, how darkness tempts, and what makes me tick so that I could understand God’s signs better. And as God trusted me, I trusted people worthy enough to share of myself in mutual manner. 

All this trust led to a moment where Jesus’ words to Peter seemed meant for me. “Do you love me? Feed my sheep.” For me, to let go of being a doctor for the body and be a doctor for the soul. I had taken other chances. Take another chance now. Why not? 

25 years since reading that Bible, 15 years since hearing Jesus’ words, and 10 years since stopping being doctor... less doubt... more clarity... joy. All because I took a chance. And in just over three months, I will be ordained a priest. 

Let us pray for one another... for the grace to recognize and interpret the signs in our lives that have been pointing us to a loving God and to serve God’s people... to consider how we might grow in knowledge, trust, love, and joy of self, others, and God. Let us pray to take chances. After all, why not? 

Eddie Ngo 
