Prophets - You and Me?

Through my baptism I believe I was joined to the mission of Jesus to be priest, prophet, and king. Today’s readings demonstrate the model of prophecy that I believe God desires in my life.  

My understanding of a prophet is that prophets are messengers called by God to not only hold a vision of God’s dream, a dream we cannot typically see on our own, and also share that vision with the world. Today’s prophet in the readings professes: All are welcome, no exceptions. I am reminded to live my life in a way that reflects this prophecy, especially in this time of Advent. 

The prophet of today’s reading reminds me that God asks me to “observe what is right, do what is just,” to be faithful to guidelines meant to help the faithful live good lives. Admittedly, I struggle with, and have a hefty dose of pushback for, following “guidelines.” I know them, and I question them. I try, however, to be right and just. Faithful Jews knew the rules of their time too, and tried their best to follow them. They were “in the know.” The prophet reminds me of God’s expansiveness, even in the midst of this bid, however. God is also inviting those that may not know the rules - the foreigners - into God’s home and family. “For [God’s] house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Similarly, today’s psalmist exalts: “O God, let all the nations praise you!” (Emphasis mine.)  

Jesus further speaks to me today about expanding my understanding of the Good News. First there was John, and he was the prophet and his message was the message that the Jews knew at the time. Jesus came and offered more. He reminds me now of one of the mottos of mine: I know what I know but I don’t know what I don’t know. This is where the prophecies come in and help fill in my (many) gaps.  

God, hold my heart and mind. Help me live prophetically in a way that reflects that all are welcome in your family. May I live a life humbly inviting you and your prophets to show me what I don’t see on my own.  

Vivian Valencia
