Prepare the Way 

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” - Mt 3:1-12 

Advent means “coming” and asks for a new perspective from us. It is a time when we are invited to reawaken our awareness and welcome Christ in those who show up wherever we are. On this Second Sunday of Advent, John the Baptist prepares the way for the entrance of Jesus and encourages us to alter the landscape of our hearts, smoothing the rough roads and removing any obstacles to meet our Lord. It consists of letting go, living with our eyes open and hearts trusting, and creating space for a greater inception to take place. By mending our ways and redirecting our lives toward God, we become more present and active witnesses of hope with and for others. 

As I sit in the Advent waiting room each morning before sunrise, the uninterrupted time allows me to join an eternal hush in the silent soil of winter’s dormant heart. Amid the external noises of daily life, especially in the eventful weeks preceding Christmas, I am reenergized in this loving space that cradles my spirit, sinking into a pocket of stillness to help carry me afloat through the demands, responsibilities, and commitments in front of me. Being below the radar in the flush of the morning and the realm of my heart enables me to callous my mind and soften my heart, decreasing my pace while also allowing me to become more attentive to what rests within the veiled layers of those I love. 

When I allow my roots to settle deep into the rich loam that lets me discern the good God wills for me, I am met with a calming and compassionate presence. I can surrender and release deep holding patterns, soothing my fears and concerns. It helps me be at home with the deeper part of myself, focusing on what truly matters and asking myself each day what I need to stay near this vital center, cultivating the art of being instead of doing. 

Lord, help me notice what is throwing me off course and receive the courage to endure and inhabit dimensions of my life so that your abiding peace can flow quietly within me.  

Tam Lontok
