You are the Christ, son of the Living God”  

Lately I’ve found myself struggling with authority in the Catholic church and the nature of Mass. I often feel guilty for experiencing feelings like agitation, distractedness, and boredom. So how do I reconcile my feelings about mass with the teachings of the Catholic Church?  

On this feast of the Chair of St. Peter, the Apostle, today’s gospel reminds me that it was not Simon Peter’s perfection that made him worthy to be entrusted as the rock upon which our church was built, but rather his divinely inspired declaration of humility in who Jesus is. In my own words, “Jesus, You are God. I am not. You can save me from the unmanageability of my sin. I cannot. I am ready to do your will.”  

The Catholic Church was never intended to be a rigid and exclusive club for the righteous and perfect, but an accommodating hospital for sinners like me. Even if mass isn’t the most fun experience, I go anyways because I hold on to faith that perhaps one day, the mass may convict me in the way St Peter was.  

In the meantime, God has blessed me with a wide variety of offerings within the life of the Catholic Church. I now experience significant consolation when I pray/journal with scripture, lead a Bible study, attend a retreat, attend a candlelit mass, go to confession, receive spiritual direction, read the life of a saint, or participate in a faith sharing group. The umbrella of Catholicism is far wider than we think sometimes- wide enough even for innovation in ministry! May we continue to discover unique opportunities God provided to help us encounter more genuine hope and healing in Christ.  

What is my greatest challenge with the Catholic Church right now? How might God be inviting me to explore more deeply what our church has to offer? Where might God be inviting me to participate in a way that meets me where I’m at? 

Nate Dias

Photo credit: Image from “Mr. Bean falling asleep in church” 
