I recently watched a home video of my fifth birthday party. I’m wearing the sun dress I would later wear for my first day of school, sitting at our picnic table, surrounded by my brother and our cousins. As we waited for cake, we played with their own personal noise making toys, party favors that my parents did not think through. Suddenly, I couldn’t take another second of the whizzing, whooshing, and whistling. Like an enlivened conductor, I stood up and yelled, “STOP MAKING NOISE, EVERYBODY.” 

Anyone who knows me will not be surprised that I, Teresa Nygard, was already bossing people around at age five. My guests did not listen to my demands. 


As I read today’s short, but punchy Gospel, I began to reflect on how poorly I respond to people yelling. “STOP JUDGING, STOP CONDEMNING, FORGIVE, GIVE, BE MERCIFUL … STOP MAKING NOISE” 

Why do I assume that the tone of Jesus’ voice in this teaching to me is as harsh as my five-year-old anger? “STOP JUDGING ALREADY, TERESA! GEESH! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!?” 

Can I imagine today that maybe, instead, Jesus’ tone is soft? Maybe it’s similar to the way that I try and speak with my friends dealing with difficult situations. Maybe Jesus is gentle. Maybe Jesus is being gentle with me. 

Jesus desires a life for me that is overflowing with forgiveness and mercy. Jesus encourages me to stop judging. Not, STOP JUDGING. The call is no less important, no less packed with meaning, but the way in which I am asked to do it, and the way I respond, makes all the difference. 

How do you imagine Jesus speaking to you? What would it be like to listen to the gentle voice of Jesus today?

Teresa Nygard

Photo credit: Unsplash
