What Words Empower You?

In a time where affirmations are increasingly popular, I think about what words actually make me stronger and more confident. I also think about my consumption of media and the people around me who directly or indirectly tell me who I need to be. Phrases like “Spartan Up”, “Girl Boss”, “I am “x” self-esteem adjective” might offer me a temporary boost to get through my daily challenges or they might plant seeds of doubt in me that leads to negative self-talk.

Words precede action. In today’s first reading, before moving toward doing good, acting justly, and setting things right, Isaiah instructs Sodom and Gomorrah to “Hear the Word of the Lord” and “Listen to the Instruction of God.” As I grow in relationship with God, I realize that spiritual attacks often come to me from voices that tell me that I’m not enough. As I ruminate on words that were said, I feel paralyzed and energy depleted. When I take a pause and pray with the scriptures, I am reminded of my belovedness and the truth of my identity as a child of God. I am strengthened and uplifted to continue with what is set before me and to be compassionate and recognize the belovedness of those with whom I may be struggling, whose voices made me doubt myself. The more I listen to the word and instruction of God, the more I can “learn to do good.”

When we do begin to listen to the word of God and do good, let us be careful not to let pride or a desire for praise get in the way of our newfound empowerment. We might find ourselves in positions of leadership or granted more responsibilities because of the good we are doing. Titles are words that offer us a false sense of security, or power. In the gospel, Jesus tells the crowds and disciples not to call themselves “Rabbi” or “Master” and warns against following the Pharisees’ ways of “preaching but not practicing” or “performing to be seen.” Ultimately, we are transformed and can give because of the words of love and life spoken to us from God, not because of our own self-reliance or job description.

Whose words are you giving power to? How can you encourage others with words of truth and love? How do you empower others with your actions?

Guadalupe De La O
